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2024 Research Highlights

2024 Research Highlights

Klein Buendel scientists and staff continued to pursue rigorous behavioral science research with multiple national and international collaborators to positively impact the health and safety of people’s lives. Our creative team designed and engineered engaging web-based programs for many of the projects.

In 2024, we started two new large research projects with current collaborators. We co-authored 11 papers published in peer-reviewed journals or published online ahead of print, including one in the American Journal of Public Health. We presented study results at five national or international conferences, including the 6th International Conference on UV and Skin Cancer Prevention in Brisbane, Australia, where we were awarded the Best Poster prize along with our research collaborator, Emory University.

In February, Dr. Gill Woodall gave a presentation at the University of New Mexico Comprehensive Cancer Center entitled, “Randomized Trials of HPV Vaccine Uptake Improvement in New Mexico: Web Apps for Parents and Young Adolescent Girls and Boys.”

In May, Dr. David Buller gave a presentation for the ACCORDS Dissemination and Implementation Science Program at the University of Colorado Anschutz Medical Campus. His presentation was entitled, “Novel Adaptation of an Evidence-based Occupational Sun Safety Program for Today’s Outdoor Worker.”

In October, Dr. David Buller was an invited presenter on a panel discussion on increasing scale-up research in cancer control, sponsored by the National Cancer Institute. His presentation was entitled “Using Technology to Scale-up and Occupational Sun Protection Program.” 

  1. “Emotion Regulation Intervention to Prevent Substance Use Among Youth in the Child Welfare System.” An R61 award to Klein Buendel from the National Institute on Drug Abuse (DA059785; Dr. Chris Houck, Principal Investigator, Rhode Island Hospital). The primary Co-Investigator from Klein Buendel is Ms. Julia Berteletti.
  2. “Hybrid Delivery to Increase Access and Sustainability: Evaluating ezParent Implementation.” A Fast Track STTR grant to Klein Buendel from the National Institute (HD116627; Dr. Susan Breitenstein, Principal Investigator, Ohio State University). The primary Co-Investigator from Klein Buendel is Ms. Julia Berteletti.
  1. Woodall WG, Buller DB, Saltz R, Martinez L. Professional development to improve responsible beverage service training: formative research results and protocol for a randomized controlled trial. JMIR Res Protoc. 2024 Jan 24:13:e49680. doi: 10.2196/49680.
  2. Breitenstein SM, Berteletti J, Smoske S, Barger C, Tipps K, Helsabeck NP. Administrative dashboard for monitoring use of a web-Based parent training intervention: usability study. JMIR Form Res. 2024 Jan 30:8:e53439. doi: 10.2196/53439.
  3. Buller DB, Sussman AL, Thomson CA, Kepka D, Taren D, Henry KL, Warner EL, Walkosz BJ, Woodall GW, Nuss K, Blair CK, Guest DD, Borrayo EA, Gordon JS, Hatcher J, Wetter DW, Kinsey A, Jones CF, Yung AK, Christini K, Berteletti J, Torres JA, Perez EYB, Small A. #4Corners4Health social media cancer prevention campaign for emerging adults: protocol for a randomized stepped-wedge trial. JMIR Res Protoc. 2024 Feb 22:13:e50392. doi: 10.2196/50392.
  4. Wu YP, Stump TK, Hay JL, Buller DB, Jensen JD, Grossman D, Shen J, Haaland BA, Jones J, Tercyak KP. Protocol for a cluster-randomized trial of a school-based skin cancer preventive intervention for adolescents. Contemp Clin Trials. 2024 May:140:107494. doi: 10.1016/ j.cct.2024.107494.
  5. Hay JL, Wu Y, Schofield E, Kaphingst K, Sussman AL, Guest DD, Hunley K, Li Y, Buller DB, Berwick M. Exploring the role of cancer fatalism and engagement with skin cancer genetic information in diverse primary care patients. Psychooncology. 2024 Apr;33(4):e6331. doi: 10.1002/pon.6331.
  6. Buller DB, Woodall WG, Saltz R, Martinez L, Small A, Chirico N, Cutter GR. Sales to apparently intoxicated customers in three states with different histories of responsible beverage service training. J Stud Alcohol Drugs. 2024 May;85(3):312-321. doi: 10.15288/jsad.23-00258
  7. Kitt-Lewis E, Loeb SJ, Walkosz BJ, Olanreqaju SA, Herbeck B, Fullmer S. Just Care: usability testing of e-learning modules for peer caregivers living in prison. J Offender Rehabil. 2024 Jul;63(6):387-400. Doi: 10.1080/10509674.2024.2370289.
  8. Buller DB, Buller MK, Meenan R, Cutter GR, Berteletti J, Henry KL, Kinsey A, Adjei I, Chirico N. Implementation of an occupational sun safety intervention: comparison of two scalability strategies. J Occup Environ Med. 2024 Oct 10. doi: 10.1097/JOM.0000000000003248. Online ahead of print.
  9. Wu YP, Brunsgaard EK, Siniscalchi N, Stump T, Smith H, Grossman D, Jensen J, Buller DB, Hay JL, Shen J, Haaland BA, Tercyak KP. Challenges and lessons learned in recruiting participants for school-based disease prevention programs during COVID-19. Contemp Clin Trials Commun. 2024 Nov 24:42:101399. doi: 10.1016/j.conctc.2024.101399. eCollection 2024 Dec.
  10. McCrady BS, Woodall WG, Berteletti J, Starling R, Martinez L, Westerberg V, Brooks M, Starke T. Developing a smartphone web app to help DWI offenders and their families. J Subst Use Addict Treat. 2025 Jan:168:209565. doi: 10.1016/j.josat.2024.209565. Online ahead of print.
  11. Buller DB, Berteletti J, Heckman C, Schroth K, Geller AC, Stapleton JL, Adjei I, Mitarotondo A, Guild SR, Gershenwald JE, Dellavalle R, Pagoto S. Bills to Restrict Access to and Harm from Indoor Tanning Facilities in US State Legislatures, 1992–2023. Am J Public Health. Online ahead of print 10.2105/AJPH.2024.307894.

*KB investigators and staff are indicated in bold type

Several presentations on research progress, procedures, analyses, and outcomes were given by Klein Buendel scientists, staff, and their collaborators at the following national and international conferences:

  • 45th Annual Meeting of the Society of Behavioral Medicine (March)
  • 36th Annual Scientific Sessions of the Eastern Nursing Research Society (April)
  • 47th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Research Society on Alcohol (June)
  • 6th International Conference on UV and Skin Cancer Prevention (September)
  • 36th International Papillomavirus Conference (November)

Klein Buendel and Emory University won Best Poster at the UV Conference in Australia for “Narrative Synthesis of Skin Cancer Prevention Interventions for Samples with High Proportions of Participants with Skin of Color in a Systematic Review.” The poster was presented by Ms. Irene Adjei from Klein Buendel.

2023 Research Highlights

2023 Research Highlights

Klein Buendel scientists and staff continued to pursue rigorous behavioral science research with numerous national and international collaborators. Our creative team also designed and engineered multiple web-based programs to positively impact the health and safety of people’s everyday lives.  

In 2023, we started three new research projects with diverse collaborators. We published (or e-published ahead of print) six research papers in peer-reviewed journals and six additional publications are in press for early 2024. We presented research analyses and outcomes at six national or international conferences.  

In March, Ms. Marita Brooks retired from Klein Buendel after working with Dr. Gill Woodall for over 30 years at the University of New Mexico (CASAA) and Klein Buendel (as a Senior Research Project Coordinator).  

In April, we hosted Ron Borland, PhD, FASSA, Professor of Psychology and Health Behavior from the University of Melbourne in Victoria, Australia. His focal presentation was entitled, “Can we eliminate smoking without embracing harm reduction?” 

In May, Dr. David Buller was a speaker at the 7th Annual Conference of the UCONN Center for Health and Social Media. His presentation was entitled, “How can public health better utilize social media? Challenges and opportunities.”  

In October, Dr. Buller participated in a panel discussion on measures, data sources, and data collection strategies at the New York University Policy-Focused Implementation Science Training. He discussed his research on responsible vendor practices and training in state-regulated alcohol markets aimed at reducing DUI and other harms of over-service of alcoholic beverages. 

In October, Dr. Buller also joined Carolyn Heckman from Rutgers University to present an update and preliminary findings from an investigation of state indoor tanning laws to the National Council for Skin Cancer Prevention. The presentation covered the nature of state laws, the political process that led to their passage or failure, and compliance with state regulations pertaining to minor access and other regulations on indoor tanning facilities. 

In December, Dr. Gill Woodall gave a presentation to the New Mexico Immunization Coalition. The presentation reviewed the effectiveness of the TeenVac web app on improved HPV vaccine uptake. 

Projects Launched in 2023 

  1. “Feasibility and design of a novel smartphone app to deliver blood pressure-lowering inspiratory muscle strength training.” Phase I STTR grant to Klein Buendel from the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (HL167375; Dr. Douglas Seals, Principal Investigator, University of Colorado). The primary Co-Investigator from Klein Buendel is Dr. Kayla Nuss. 
  1. “Policy and training intervention in responsible marijuana sales practices to reduce the risk of selling to intoxicated customers.” A 5-year R01 grant from the National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (AA031591; Dr. W. Gill Woodall and Dr. David Buller, Multiple Principal Investigators).  
  1. “Beyond Blame: Development of an online media literacy curriculum for violence prevention.” A Phase I SBIR grant from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CE003635; Dr. Barbara Walkosz, Principal Investigator).  

For these new projects, we are collaborating with the following primary investigators, universities, and organizations: 

  • University of Colorado, Boulder (Dr. Douglas Seals) 
  • Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation (Dr. Robert Saltz) 
  • NORC at the University of Chicago ((Mr. Jim Fell) 
  • Center for Media Literacy (Ms. Tessa Jolls) 

2023 Publications* 

  1. Manne S, Pagoto S, Peterson S, Heckman C, Kashy D, Berger A, Studts C, Megron R, Buller D, Paddock, Gallo, Kulik A, Frederick S, Pesanelli M, Domider M, Grosso M. Facebook Intervention for Young-Onset Melanoma Survivors and Families: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR Res Protoc. 2023 Jan 24;12:e39640. 
  1. Ray AE, Mun E, Lewis MA, Litt DM, Stapleton JL, Tan L, Buller DB, Zhou Z, Bush HM, Himelhoch S. Cross-Tailoring Integrative Alcohol and Risky Sexual Behavior Feedback for College Students: Protocol for a Hybrid Type 1 Effectiveness-Implementation Trial. JMIR Res Protoc. 2023 Mar 20:12:e43986. doi: 10.2196/43986. 
  1. Nuss K, Sui W, Rhodes R, Liu S. Motivational Profiles and Associations With Physical Activity Before, During, and After the COVID-19 Pandemic: Retrospective Study. JMIR Form Res. 2023 Apr 24;7: e43411. doi: 10.2196/43411. 
  1. Nuss K, Moore K, Marchant T, Courtney JB, Edwards K, Sharp JL, Nelson TL, Li K. The combined effect of motivational interviewing and wearable fitness trackers on motivation and physical activity in inactive adults: A randomized controlled trial. J Sports Sci. 2023 Mar 25:1-11. doi: 10.1080/02640414.2023.2195228. 
  1. Moore KN, Nuss K, Do B, Wang SD, Li K, Graham DJ, Dunton GF, Courtney JB. Motivational Profile as a Predictor of Physical Activity Among US Adults During the Early Months of the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Daily Diary Study. J Phys Act Health. 2023 Jul 28;20(10):963-970. doi: 10.1123/jpah.2022-0474. 
  1. Saltz R, Pashcall MJ, O’Hara S, Buller DB, Woodall WG, Martinez L. Serving alcohol to an “obviously intoxicated” patron. J Stud Alcohol Drugs. 2023 Dec 11. doi: 10.15288/jsad.23-00253. Online ahead of print. 

*KB investigators and staff are indicated in bold type  

2023 Conference Presentations 

Research progress, analyses, and outcomes were presented and disseminated by Klein Buendel scientists, staff, and their collaborators at the following national and international conferences in 2023: 

  • EUROGIN International Multidisciplinary HPV Congress (February)  
  • 44th Annual Meeting & Scientific Sessions of the Society of Behavioral Medicine (April) 
  • 46th Annual Scientific Meeting of the Research Society on Alcoholism (June) 
  • Custody and Caring: 18th Biennial International Conference on the Nurse’s Role in the Criminal Justice System (September) 
  • 14th Conference of the European Society for Prevention Research (October) 
  • 16th Annual Conference on the Science of Dissemination and Implementation in Health (December) 

2021 Research Highlights

2021 Research Highlights

Klein Buendel (KB) scientists and staff conducted rigorous behavioral science research with numerous collaborators from across the country in 2021. Our investigators published (or e-published ahead of print) 16 research papers in peer-reviewed journals and presented research findings virtually at 8 national or international conferences. In addition, our investigators are Principal Investigators or Co-Investigators on 6 new research projects that launched this year.


KB investigators, staff, and collaborators published or e-published the following research papers this year (current or recent investigators and staff are indicated in bold type):

Midgett A, Doumas DM, Myers VH, Moody S, Doud A. Technology-Based Bullying Intervention for Rural Schools: Perspectives on Needs, Challenges, and Design. Rural Ment Health. 2021 Jan;45(1):14-30. doi: 10.1037/rmh0000151.

Buller DB, Woodall WG, Saltz R, Grayson A, Buller MK, Cutter GR, Svendsen S, Liu X. Randomized Trial Testing an Online Responsible Vendor Training in Recreational Marijuana Stores in the United States. J Stud Alcohol Drugs. 2021 Mar;82(2):204-213.

Lee H, Henry KL, Buller DB, Pagoto S, Baker K, Walkosz B, Hillhouse J, Berteletti J, Bibeau J. Mutual influences of mother’s and daughter’s mental health on the closeness of their relationship: an actor-partner interdependence model. J Child Fam Stud. 2021 Mar;30:676-686.

Buller DB, Walkosz BJ, Olivas S, Eye R, Liu X, Kinsey A, Buller MK, Grayson A. Association of Occupational Sun Safety Policy and Actions in State Transportation Sector in the United States. Am J Ind Med. 2021 Apr;64(4):274-282. doi: 10.1002/ajim.23214.

Buller DB, Pagoto S, Baker K, Walkosz BJ, Hillhouse J, Henry KL, Berteletti J, Bibeau J. Results of a Social Media Campaign to Prevent Indoor Tanning by Teens: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Prev Med Rep. 2021 Apr 18;22:101382. doi: 10.1016/j.pmedr.2021.101382. eCollection 2021 Jun.

Heckman CJ, Buller DB, Stapleton JL. A call to action to eliminate indoor tanning: focus on policy [published online ahead of print April 28, 2021]. JAMA Dermatol. doi: 10.1001/jamadermatol.2021.0874.

Loeb SJ, Murphy JL, Kitt-Lewis E, Wion RK, Jerrod T, Myers VH. Inmates Care: computer-based training for geriatric and end-of-life care in prisons. J Correct Health Care. 2021 Jun;27(2):132-144. doi: 10.1089/jchc.20.03.0016.

Bourdeau B, Miller BA, Byrnes HF, Woodall WG, Buller DB, Grube JW. Efficacy of a web-based intervention (Smart Choices 4 Teens) for facilitating parent-adolescent communication about relationships and sexuality: randomized controlled trial. JMIR Pediatr Parent 2021 Jun 15;4(2):e19114. doi: 10.2196/19114.

Banerjee SC, Sussman A, Schofield E, Guest DD, Dailey YS, Schwartz MR, Buller DB, Hunley K, Kaphingst KA, Berwick M, Hay JL. “Let’s talk about skin cancer”: examining association between family communication about skin cancer, perceived risk, and sun protection behaviors. J Health Commun. 2021 Aug 3;26(8):576-585. doi: 10.1080/10810730.2021.1966686.

Riley KE, Sussman AL, Schofield E, Guest DD, Dailey YT, Schwartz MR, Buller DB, Hunley K, Kaphingst KA, Berwick M, Hay JL. Effect of superstitious beliefs and risk intuitions on genetic test decisions [published online ahead of print August 28, 2021]. Med Decis Making. doi: 10.1177/0272989X211029272.

Hay JL, Kaphingst KA, Buller D, Schofield E, Meyer White K, Sussman A, Guest D, Dailey YT, Robers E, Schwartz MR, Li Y, Hunley K, Berwick M. Behavioral and psychological outcomes associated with skin cancer genetic testing in Albuquerque primary care. Cancers (Basel). 2021 Aug 12;13(16):4053. doi: 10.3390/cancers13164053.

Woodall WG, Zimet G, Kong A, Buller D, Reither J, Chilton L, Myers V, Starling R. a mobile web app to improve HPV vaccine uptake. Front Digit Health. 25 Aug 2021;3:693688. doi: 10.3389/fdgth.2021.693688.

Doumas DM, Midgett A, Myers V, Buller MK. Usability of a technology-based bystander bullying intervention for middle school students in rural, low-income communities: mixed methods study. JMIR Form Res. 2021;5(10):e32382. doi: 10.2196/32382.

Buller DB, Pagoto S, Henry K, Berteletti J, Walkosz BJ, Bibeau J, Baker K, Hillhouse J, Arroyo KM. Human papillomavirus vaccination and social media: results in a trial with mothers of daughters aged 14-17. Front Digit Health. 2021 Sept;3:683034. doi: 10.3389/fdgth.2021.683034.

Khan E, Kaphingst KA, Meyer White K, Sussman A, Guest D, Schofield E, Dailey YT, Robers E, Schwartz MR, Li Y, Buller D, Hunley K, Berwick M, Hay JL. Comprehension of skin cancer genetic risk feedback in primary care patients [published online ahead of print November 19, 2021]. J Community Genet. doi: 10.1007/s12687-021-00566-9.

Manne S, Kashy DA, Pagoto S, Peterson SK, Heckman CJ, Gallo J, Berger A, Buller DB, Kulik A, Frederick S. Family attitudes and communication about sun protection and sun protection practices among young adult melanoma survivors and their family members [published online ahead of print November 29, 2021]. J Health Commun. 2021:1-11. doi: 10.1080/10810730.2021.2008552.

Conference Presentations

KB investigators, staff, and collaborators gave research presentations and workshops at the following virtual conferences this year:

  • 33rd Annual Scientific Sessions of the Eastern Nursing Research Society (March 2021)
  • 14th Annual Academic and Health Policy Conference on Criminal Justice Health (April 2021)
  • DC Health Communication Conference (April 2021)
  • 42nd Annual Meeting & Scientific Sessions of the Society of Behavioral Medicine (April 2021)
  • 71st Annual Conference of the International Communication Association (May 2021)
  • 5th Annual Conference of the UConn Center for mHealth and Social Media (May 2021)
  • 5th International UV and Skin Cancer Prevention Conference (September 2021)
  • Custody and Caring: 17th Biennial International Conference on the Nurse’s Role in the Criminal Justice System (November 2021)

Lastly, once the COVID-19 vaccine was widely available, a handful of long-time KB senior employees decided to make professional and personal life changes. We said farewell to Pam Stevens, the Finance Director for 15 years; Dr. Valerie Myers, a Senior Scientist for 10 years; Lucia Liu, the Biostatistical Manager for 15 years; and Adam Ashby, the Senior Developer for 15 years. They will be missed.



In the year of COVID-19, Klein Buendel scientists and staff continued to conduct rigorous behavioral science research with numerous collaborators from across the country – sometimes under modified conditions. Our investigators launched 5 new projects, published (or e-published ahead of print) 15 research manuscripts in peer-reviewed journals, and presented their research findings at 5 national and international conferences (many of them virtual this year).

In the spring, Dr. Valerie Myers, KB Senior Scientist, was appointed as the Education, Training, and Career Development Council Chair on the Society of Behavioral Medicine (SBM) Board of Directors. SBM is a non-profit organization that brings together multiple independent disciplines to provide new perspectives and progress on human behavior, health, and illness. 

In November, Dr. David Buller, KB’s Director of Research, gave a Grand Rounds presentation at the Rutgers Cancer Institute of New Jersey, entitled “Cancer Prevention Policy: Promoting Adoption and Implementation of Sun Safety Policy.” And in December, Dr. Buller presented during a webinar hosted by the National Cancer Institute Division of Cancer Control and Population Sciences. The webinar was part of a series designed to explore Policy Implementation Science highlighting the importance of adoption of evidence-based policy in governmental and non-governmental sectors. 

KB was recognized in 2020 as #50 on Colorado Biz Magazine’s Top 100 Woman-Owned Companies list, and as #115 on their Top 200 Private Companies list.

And WayToServe, KB’s evidence-based online responsible alcohol server training program, sold its 100,000th training.


(KB investigators and staff are indicated in bold type)

  • Kitt-Lewis E, Loeb SJ, Myers V, Jerrod T, Wion RK, Murphy JL. Barriers to and Strategies for Gaining Entry to Correctional Settings for Health Research. Nurs Leadersh (Tor Ont). 2020 Mar;33(1):71-80. doi: 10.12927/cjnl.2020.26190.
  • Reynolds KD, Buller DB, Berteletti J, Massie K, Ashley J, Buller MK, Meenan RT, Liu X. School-level factors associated with sun protection practices in California elementary schools. J Sch Health. 2020 May;90(5):386-394.
  • Buller DB, Pagoto S, Baker K, Walkosz B, Hillhouse JJ, Berteletti J, Bibeau JL, Henry K. Knowledge and support for indoor tanning laws among mothers and teen daughters in 34 states in a randomized trial. Ann Behav Med. 2020 May;54(Suppl 1): S59.
  • Myers VH, Loeb SJ, Kitt-Lewis E, Murphy JL, Wion R, Jerod T. An e-training package to enhance care of aged and dying prisoners. Ann Behav Med. 2020 May;54(Suppl 1): S178.
  • Arroyo KM, Goetz J, Waring ME, Berteletti J, Buller DB, Walkosz B, Baker K, Hillhouse JJ, Henry K, Stapleton J, Pagoto S. Frequency and type of health misinformation in participant comments in a Facebook-delivered cancer risk reduction intervention. Ann Behav Med. 2020 May;54(Suppl 1): S186.
  • Buller DB, Woodall G, Saltz RF, Grayson AM, Buller MK, Svendsen SN, Liu L, Cutter GR. Effects of an online responsible vendor training for recreational marijuana stores on sales to pseudo-underage customers. Ann Behav Med. 2020 May;54(Suppl 1): S492
  • Gonzalez CD, Walkosz BJ, Dellavalle RP. Aftercare instructions in the tattoo community: An opportunity to educate on sun protection and increase skin cancer awareness. J Clin Aesthet Dermatol. 2020 Jun;13(6):22-23.
  • Buller DB, Reynolds KD, Buller MK, Massie K, Berteletti J, Ashley J, Meenan R. Parent reports of sun safety communication and behaviour for students in a randomized trial on a school policy implementation intervention. Aus N Z J Public Health. 2020;44(3):208-214.
  • Kaphingst KA, Khan E, White KM, Sussman A, Guest D, Schofield E, Dailey YT, Robers E, Schwartz MR, Li Y, Buller D, Hunley K, Berwick M, Hay JL. Effects of health literacy skills, educational attainment, and level of melanoma risk on responses to personalized genomic testing. Patient Educ Couns. 2020 Aug 1:S0738-3991(20)30392-X. doi: 10.1016/j.pec.2020.07.019.
  • Reynolds KD, Buller DB, Buller MK, Massie K, Berteletti J, Ashley J, Meenan R. Randomized controlled trial evaluating an intervention supporting implementation of sun safety policies in California public elementary schools. Prev Med. 2020 Aug;137:106125. doi: 10.1016/j.ypmed.2020.106125.
  • Buller DB, Woodall WG, Saltz R, Grayson A, Svendsen S, Cutter GR. Sales to apparently alcohol-intoxicated customers and online responsible vendor training in recreational cannabis stores in a randomized trial. Int J Drug Policy. 2020 Sep;83:102860. doi:10.1016/j.drugpo.102860.
  • Manne S, Buller D, Devine K, Heckman C, Pagoto S, Frederick S, Mitarotondo A. Sun Safe Partners Online: pilot randomized controlled clinical trial. J Med Internet Res. 2020 Sep;22(9):e18037. doi: 10.2196/18037.
  • Buller DB, Buller MK, Meenan R, Cutter GR, Berteletti J, Eye R, Walkosz BJ, Pagoto S. Design and baseline data of a randomized trial comparing two methods for scaling-up an occupational sun protection intervention. Contemp Clin Trials. 2020 Sep 14:106147. doi: 10.1016/j.cct.2020.106147.
  • Walkosz BJ, Dellavalle RP. Scented lotions may cause scaring and premature fading of tattoos. Dermatol Online J. 2020 Oct;26(10): 13030/qt5d2676s2.
  • Meenan RT, Reynolds KD, Buller DB, Massie K, Berteletti J, Buller MK, Ashley J, Liu X. Economic evaluation of a sun protection program in California elementary schools. Am J Health Promot. 2020 Nov;34(8):848-856. doi: 10.1177/0890117120905217.

Conference Presentations

Research by KB scientists, staff, and collaborators was presented at the following conferences this year:

  • Society of Research on Adolescence Biennial Meeting (March 2020)
  • Eastern Nursing Research Society (March 2020)
  • International Papillomavirus Conference & Basic Science, Clinical and Public Health Workshops (July 2020)
  • American Public Health Association (October 2020)
  • Annual Conference on the Science of Dissemination and Implementation in Health (December 2020)
Klein Buendel’s 2019 Research Highlights

Klein Buendel’s 2019 Research Highlights

In our 17th year, Klein Buendel scientists and staff continue to conduct rigorous behavioral science research with numerous collaborators from across the country. In 2019, our investigators published 15 new research manuscripts in peer-reviewed journals and presented their research findings via 18 posters and presentations at 10 local, national, and international conferences and expert meetings. One of our posters was nominated for Best Poster in the Prevention and Public Health division at the Science of Dissemination and Implementation in Health annual conference, and one of our papers was selected by its journal to be included in their December 2019 Continuing Medical Education (CME) exam.

In April 2019, KB opened a new satellite research office in Albuquerque, New Mexico. The office is led by Dr. Gill Woodall, KB Senior Scientist, and conducts research projects with southwestern populations. 

Dr. Valerie Myers, KB Senior Scientist, was appointed this year by the Board of Directors of the Society of Behavioral Medicine to serve as the Education, Training, and Career Development Committee Chair. Her three-year term will begin in April of 2020.

In March of 2019, Dr. Barbara Walkosz, KB Senior Scientist, lectured on Media Literacy and Health Communication at Beijing Normal University in China. Dr. Walkosz also serves as an appointed Commissioner for Denver Mayor Michael Hancock’s Commission on Aging, part of the Agency for Human Rights and Community Partnerships.

In April of 2019, Dr. David Buller, KB Director of Research, lectured on KB’s occupational sun protection research (Sun Safe Workplaces) in a class at the University of Colorado School of Medicine. And in December, he presented initial findings from an ongoing social media campaign for mothers to improve adolescent health and reduce indoor tanning (Health Chat) via webinar to the Health Communication and Informatics Research Branch of the National Cancer Institute.

In product news, we licensed our Train to Tend® responsible marijuana vendor training program to Avid Will LLC for marketing and sales have started to take off. Also, sales of the very successful Way To Serve® responsible alcoholic beverage server training program continue to accelerate. And in September, we made one of our long-time products – the Grow, Eat Thrive elementary school nutrition and gardening curriculum – available for free online.

Lastly, KB was recognized in 2019 as #47 on Colorado Biz Magazine’s Top 100 Woman-Owned Companies list, and was #130 on their Top 200 Private Companies list.

Here’s to a Very Healthy and Happy New Year!


  • Byrnes HF, Miller BA, Grube JW, Bourdeau B, Buller DB, Wang-Schweig M, Woodall WG. Prevention of alcohol use in older teens: A randomized trial of an online family prevention program. Psychol Addict Behav. 2019 Feb;33(1):1-14. doi: 10.1037/adb0000442.
  • Buller MK, Bettinghaus EP, Fluharty L, Andersen PA, Slater MD, Henry KL, Liu X, Fullmer S, Buller DB. Improving health communication with photographic images that increase identification in three minority populations. Health Ed Res. 1 Apr 2019;34(2):145-158.
  • Kitt-Lewis E, Loeb SJ, Myers VH, Wion RK, Baney B, Strickfaden S. Developing educational modules to enhance care of aged and dying inmates: Set-up phase. Public Health Nurs. 2019;36(11): 401-410.
  • Buller DB, Walkosz BJ, Berteletti J, Pagoto SL, Bibeau J, Baker K, Hillhouse J, Henry KL. Insights on HPV vaccination in the United States from mothers’ comments on Facebook posts in a randomized trial. Hum Vaccin Immunother. 2019;15(7-8):1479-1487.
  • Buller DB, Walkosz BJ, Woodall WG. Use of media and social media in the prevention of substance abuse. In: Sloboda Z, Petras H, Robertson E, Hingson R, eds. Prevention of Substance Use. Cham, Switzerland: Springer Nature Switzerland AG; 2019 pp 319-334.
  • Newton RL Jr, Carter L, St. Romain J, Jerrod T, Griffith D, Myers V. Development of a mobile phone app to maintain physical activity in African American men: MobileMen. mHealth. 2019 Jun 13;5:16. doi: 10.21037/mhealth.2019.05.03. eCollection 2019.
  • Kitt-Lewis E, Loeb SJ, Wion RK, Myers VH, Jerrod T, Strickfaden S. Developing Computer-Based Learning on Care of Aged and Dying Incarcerated People. J Forensic Nurs. 2019 Jul 9. doi: 10.1097/JFN.0000000000000248. [Epub ahead of print]
  • Byrnes HF, Miller BA, Bourdeau B, Johnson MB, Buller DB, Berteletti J, Rogers VA. Prevention of alcohol and other drug overuse among nightclub patrons: a randomized trial of a group-based mobile intervention at nightclubs. J Stud Alcohol Drugs. 2019 Jul;80(4):423-430.
  • Walkosz B, Buller D, Buller M, Wallis A, Liu X. Senior managers’ awareness of sun protection policy predicts implementation of worksite sun safety in a randomized trial. Am J Ind Med. 2019 Oct;62(10):893-900.
  • Meenan RT, Walkosz BJ, Buller DB, Eye R, Buller MK, Wallis AD, Olivas S. Economic evaluation of an intervention promoting adoption of occupational sun protection policies. J Occup Environ Med. 2019 Dec 6;61(12):978-983.*

*The above paper was selected by JOEM as an article to be included in their December 2019 CME exam.

  • Gonzalez CD, Rundle CW, Pona A, Walkosz BJ, Dellavalle RP. Ultraviolet radiation may cause premature fading of colored tattoos. Photodermatol Photoimmunol Photomed. 2019 Aug 28. doi: 10.1111/phpp.12509. [Epub ahead of print]
  • Buller DB, Woodall WG, Saltz R, Buller MK. Compliance with ID regulations by recreational marijuana stores in two US states. J Stud Alcohol Drugs. J Stud Alcohol Drugs. 2019 Nov;80(6):679-686.
  • White KAM, Dailey YT, Guest DD, Zielaskowski K, Robers E, Sussman A, Hunley K, Hughes CR, Schwartz MR, Kaphingst KA, Buller DB, Hay JL, Berwick M. MC1R variation in a New Mexico opulation. Cancer Epidemiol Biomarkers Prev. 2019 Nov;28(11):1853-1856.
  • Gonzalez CD, Pona A, Walkosz BJ, Dellavalle RP. Hispanic Tattoo Artists Could Provide Skin Cancer Prevention via Aftercare and Social Media. J Drugs Dermatol. ; 2019 Dec 1;18(12):1237-1243.
  • Glynn NW, Gmelin T, Santanasto AJ, Lovato LC, Lange‐Maia BS, Nicklas BJ, Fielding RA, Manini TM, Myers VH, de Rekeneire N, Spring BJ, Pahor M, King AC, Rejeski WJ, Newman AB; for the Lifestyle Interventions and Independence for Elders Study Group. Impact of baseline fatigue on a physical activity intervention to prevent mobility disability. J Am Geriatr Soc. 2019 Dec 22. doi:10.1111/jgs.16274. [Epub ahead of print]

Conference Presentations

Society of Behavioral Medicine Annual Meeting: March 6-9 in Washington, DC

  • Berteletti J, Buller DB, Pagoto S, Walkosz B, Bibeau J, Baker K, Hillhouse J, Henry K. Mothers’ beliefs about adolescent marijuana use: insights from a Facebook-delivered intervention and randomized trial. Oral presentation.
  • Reynolds KD, Buller DB, Buller MK, Massie K, Berteletti J, Ashley J, Meenan RT. Randomized trial evaluating an intervention supporting implementation of sun safety policies in public elementary schools. Oral presentation.
  • Myers VH, Loeb SJ, Kitt-Lewis E, Wion R, Murphy J, Jerrod T, Carter M. E-training of Inmate Peer Caregivers for Enhancing Geriatric and End-of-Life Care in Prisons. Oral presentation.
  • Bibeau JL, Berteletti J, Goetz JM, Massie K. Using project management skills in behavioral research. Pre-conference workshop presentation.

American Society of Preventive Oncology Annual Meeting: March 10-12 in Tampa, Florida

  • Myers V. Technology and Health Behavior: Crossing the Digital Divide. Oral presentation.

Eastern Nursing Research Society Annual Meeting: April 3-5 in Providence, Rhode Island

  • Loeb SJ, Kitt-Lewis E, Myers VH, Wion R, and Murphy J, Jerrod T, Carter M. Inmate Caregiver Training in Geriatrics and End-Of-Life. Oral presentation.

DC Health Communication Conference: April 25-27 in Fairfax, Virginia

  • Buller D. Grant Writing 101: Boot Camp with NIH. Pre-conference workshop presentation.

Society for Prevention Research Annual Meeting: May 28-31 in San Francisco, California

  • Byrnes H, Miller B, Bourdeau B, Johnson MB, Buller DB, Berteletti J, and Rogers V. Group cohesion among social drinking groups at nightclubs and risk from alcohol and other drug use. Poster presentation.
  • Miller B, Byrnes H, Rogers V, Bourdeau B, Grube J, Johnson MB, Buller DB, Berteletti J. Group-based intervention for overuse of alcohol in a high-risk context: Examining the influence of group gender composition on outcomes. Poster presentation.
  • Saltz R, Buller D, Woodall WG, Grayson A. Refusal of pseudo-intoxicated customers by retail marijuana outlets in three U.S. states. Poster presentation.

Kettil Bruun Society Annual Meeting: June 3-7 in Utrecht, Netherlands

  • Woodall WG, Buller DB, Saltz R, Perez F, Chacon-Silva A, Sanchez V, Reither J, Starling R, Diaz L. WayToServe Español: A web-based responsible beverage service training for Spanish-speaking alcohol servers. Oral presentation.

National Research Society on Alcoholism Annual Scientific Meeting: June 22-26 in Minneapolis, Minnesota

  • Woodall WG, Saltz R, Buller D, Perez F, Chacon Silva A, Sanchez V, Starling R. Refusal of alcohol sales to pseudo-intoxicated patrons in primarily Spanish-speaking premises: A tale of two states. Oral presentation.

North American Association of Transportation Safety and Health Officials Annual Conference: September 8-12 in New Orleans, Louisiana

  • Grayson A. Go sun smart at work. Oral presentation.

European Society for Prevention Research Conference: September 16-18 in Ghent, Belgium

  • Buller D, Woodall WG, Saltz R, Grayson A, Svendsen S, Buller M. Effects of an online responsible vendor training for recreational cannabis stores on sales to pseudo-intoxicated customers: need for increased deterrence. Oral presentation. 
  • Miller B, Byrnes H, Rogers V, Bourdeau B, Grube J, Buller D, Woodall WG, Berteletti J. A family-based program to reduce teen alcohol use and risky sexual behavior. Oral presentation. 
  • Woodall WG, Miller B, Buller D, Byrnes H, Bourdeau B, Grube J, Rogers V, Berteletti J. Effect of teen engagement with a family-based online intervention on reduction in alcohol use by teens. Poster presentation.

The Science of Dissemination & Implementation in Health Conference: December 4-6 in Washington, DC

  • Buller DB, Reynolds KD, Buller MK, Meenan R, Ashley J, Berteletti J, Massie K. An implementation intervention for school sun safety policies increased parents’ reports of sun safety communication from schools and children’s sun protection. Oral presentation.
  • Buller DB, Walkosz B, Buller M, Meenan R, Eye R, Grayson A, Olivas S. An Implementation Model for the Cost-effective Scale-up of the Sun Safe Workplaces Program. Poster presentation.*

*The above poster was nominated for Best Poster in the division of Prevention and Public Health at the Science of Dissemination & Implementation in Health Conference.

A Year of Research and Outreach

A Year of Research and Outreach

This was a very productive year for Klein Buendel (KB). In 2018, our scientists and staff:

  • Competed successfully for 4 new prime grant and subcontract research awards;
  • Completed 7 prime and subcontract research projects;
  • Presented research findings at 17 local, national, and international conferences and expert meetings; a total of 34 presentations, panel discussions, and posters; and
  • Published 20 research manuscripts in peer-reviewed journals.

It was also a very exciting year because KB was one of three North American sponsors and organizers of the 4th International Conference on UV and Skin Cancer Prevention. KB co-sponsored the conference with Ryerson University in Toronto, Ontario, Canada and the Canadian Dermatology Society. The conference was held in Toronto on May 1-4, 2018.

And KB celebrated it’s Sweet 16th Birthday in June!

Additional highlights of our 2018 research publications, conference presentations, and outreach activities are listed below. Publications may include manuscripts that were in press or published in electronic format last year. The names of KB investigators and staff are bolded.


Loeb SJ, Penrod J, Myers VH, Baney BL, Strickfaden SM, Kitt-Lewis E, Wion RK. Enhancing Care of Aged and Dying Prisoners: Is e-Learning a Feasible Approach? J Forensic Nurs. 2017 Dec;13(4):178-185.

Cochrane SK, Chen SH, Fitzgerald JD, Dodson JA, Fielding RA, King AC, McDermott MM, Manini TM, Marsh AP, Newman AB, Pahor M, Tudor-Locke C, Ambrosius WT, Buford TW; LIFE Study Research Group. Association of Accelerometry-Measured Physical Activity and Cardiovascular Events in Mobility-Limited Older Adults: The LIFE (Lifestyle Interventions and Independence for Elders) Study. J Am Heart Assoc. 2017 Dec 2;6(12).

Wang-Schweig M, Miller BA, Buller DB, Byrnes HF, Bourdeau B, Rogers V. Using panel vendors for recruitment into a web-based family prevention program: methodological consideration. Evaluation and the Health Professions. 2017 Jan 1: 163278717742189. doi: 10.1177/0163278717742189. [Epub ahead of print]

Berteletti J, Buller DB, Massie K, Ashley J, Liu X, & Reynolds, KR. Sun protection policies in public school districts with elementary schools in California. JAMA Dermatol. 2018 Jan 1;154(1):103-105.

Buller DB, Reynolds KD, Berteletti J, Massie K, Ashley J, Buller MK, Meenan RT. Accuracy of principal and teacher knowledge of school district policies on sun protection in California elementary schools. Prev Chronic Dis. 2018 Jan 18;15:E07. doi: 10.5888/pcd15.170342.

Gellar AC, Jablonski NG, Pagoto SL, Hay JL, Hillhouse J, Buller DB, Kenney L, Robinson JK, Weller RB, Moreno MA, Gilchrest BA, Sinclair C, Arndt J, Taber JM, Morris KL, Dwyer LA, Perna FM, Klein WMP, Suls J. Interdisciplinary perspectives on sun safety. JAMA Derm. 2018; 154(1):88-92.

Buller DB, Heckman CJ, Manne SL. The potential of behavioral counseling to prevent skin cancer. JAMA Dermatol. 2018 May;154(5):516-521.

Buller DB, Walkosz BJ, Buller MK, Wallis A, Andersen PA, Scott MD, Eye R, Liu X, & Cutter GR. Results of a randomized trial on an intervention promoting adoption of occupational sun protection policies. Am J of Health Promot. 2018 May;32(4):1042-1053.

Hay JL, Zielaskowski K, White KM, Kaphingst K, Robers E, Guest D, Sussman A, Talamantes Y, Schwartz M, Rodriguez VM, Li Y, Schofield E, Bigney J, Hunley K, Buller D, Berwick M. Interest and uptake of MC1R testing for melanoma risk in a diverse primary care population: a randomized clinical trial. JAMA Dermatol. 2018 Jun 1;154(6):684-693.

Walkosz BJ, Buller D, Buller M, Wallis A, Meenan R, Cutter G, Anderson P, Scott M. Sun Safe Workplaces: effects of an occupational skin cancer prevention program in employee sun safety practices. J Occup Environ Med. 2018 Nov;60(11):900-997.

Buller DB, Woodall WG, Saltz R, Grayson A, Buller MK. Implementation and Effectiveness of an Online Responsible Vendor Training for Recreational Marijuana Stores in Colorado, Oregon, and Washington State. J Public Health Manag Pract. 2018 Aug 31. [Epub ahead of print]

Nostrati A, Pimentel MA, Falzone A, Hegde R, Goel S, Chren M, Eye R, Linos E, Pagoto S, Walkosz BJ. Skin cancer prevention messages on Facebook: likes, shares and comments. J Am Acad Dermatol. 2018 Sep;79(3):582-585.

Kasting ML, Christy SM, Sutton SK, Lake P, Malo TL, Roetzheim RG, Schechtman T, Zimet GD, Walkosz BJ, Salmon D, Kahn JA, Giuliano AR, Vadaparampil ST. Florida Physicians’ Reported use of AFIX-Based Strategies for Human Papillomavirus Vaccination. Prev Med. 2018 Sep 13. pii: S0091-7435(18)30282-2. doi: 10.1016/j.ypmed.2018.09.004. [Epub ahead of print]

Buller MK, Andersen P, Bettinghaus EP, Liu X, Slater MD, Henry K, Fluharty L, Fullmer S, Buller DB. Randomized Trial Evaluating Targeted Photographic Health Communication Messages in Three Stigmatized Populations: Physically-disabled, Senior, and Overweight/Obese Individuals. Journal of Health Communication. 2018;23(10-11):886-898.

Woodall WG, Starling R, Saltz RF, Buller DB, Stanghetta P. Results of a randomized trial of web-based retail onsite responsible beverage service training: Journal of Studies on Alcohol and Drugs. 2018 Sept;79(5):672-679.

Woodall WG, Starling R, Saltz RF, Buller DB, Stanghetta P. Responses to Commentaries by Miller (2018) and Buvik and Rossow (2018). J Stud Alcohol Drugs. 2018 Sep;79(5):684-685.

Buller DB, Walkosz BJ, Buller MK, Wallis A, Andersen PA, Scott MD, Meenan RT, Cutter GR. Implementation of occupational sun safety at a two-year follow-up in a randomized trial: comparison of sun safe workplaces policy intervention to attention control. American Journal of Health Promotion. 2018 Nov 26:890117118814398. doi: 10.1177/0890117118814398. [Epub ahead of print]

Kitt-Lewis E, Loeb SJ, Myers VH, Wion RK, Baney B, Strickfaden S. Developing training to enhance care of aged and dying inmates: set-up phase. Public Health Nursing. In press.

Byrnes HF, Miller BA, Grube JW, Bourdeau B, Buller DB, Wang-Schweig M, Woodall WG. Prevention of alcohol use in older teens: A randomized trial of an online family prevention program. Psychology of Addictive Behaviors. In press.

Buller MK, Bettinghaus EP, Fluharty L, Andersen PA, Slater MD, Henry KL, Liu X, Fullmer S, Buller DB. Improving health communication with photographic images that increase identification in three minority populations. Health Ed Res. In press.

Conference Presentations

NASPA Well-being and Health Promotion Leadership Conference — January 18-20 in Portland, Oregon
Myers VH, Newton RL, Jerrod T. Healthy Detours: A location-based services app to promote healthy choices among college students. (presentation)

University of Alabama Birmingham School of Medicine Center for Exercise Medicine’s Distinguished Lecture Series — March 13 in Birmingham, Alabama
Myers V. Caminemos Juntas: A Location-Based Smartphone App for Latinas to Connect with Nearby Walking Partners. (presentation)

Eastern Nursing Research Society Annual Meeting — April 11-13 in Newark, New Jersey
• Loeb SJ, Kitt-Lewis E, Myers VH. Development of Computer-based Training for Inmate Caregivers through Nursing Science and Technological Innovations. (presentation)

Society of Behavioral Medicine Annual Meeting — April 11-14 in New Orleans, Louisiana
Berteletti J, Strickfaden S, Woodall WG, Starling R, Zimet G, Stupiansky N, Chilton L. BeVaccinated: Designing a web app to promote teen vaccination uptake. (poster)
Buller D, Walkosz B, Buller MK, Wallis A, Meenan R, Liu X. Moderators of implementation of occupational sun protection policy by public-sector employers in a randomized trial. (presentation)
• Goldstein C, Alshurafa N, Spruijt-Metz D, Thomas G, Jake Schoffman D, Goldstein S, Wac K, Myers V. The Digital Health Council & ETCD present perspectives on effective digital health training in behavioral medicine. (panel discussion)
• Jackson J, Castro Sweet C, Coa K, Foster G, Matacotta J, Myers V, Place S, Keefe B, Osborn C, Wolin K. Speed networking your career options: Non-academic paths for behavior scientists. (panel discussion)
• McLeod D, Myers V, Stetson B, Sheean P. Nuts and Bolts: A practical Q&A about your education and career trajectory. (panel discussion)
Myers V, Loeb SJ, Kitt-Lewis E, Jerrod T, Strickfaden S, Wion RK. What works in corrections: Front-line insights on computer-based training. (poster)
Myers VH, Hudson H, Jerrod T, Strickfaden S, Buller M, Lippert M. Pinpoint: Gaming technology to engage adolescent sickle cell patients in precision pain management. (poster)
• Pagoto S, Berteletti J, Walkosz B, Oleski J, Palumbo A, Baker K, Hillhouse J, Henry K, Buller D. Delivering health promotion interventions on social media: Engagement and methodological considerations. (panel discussion)
• Reynolds K, Buller D, Berteletti J, Massie K, Ashley J, Buller MK, Meenan R. Correlates of sun safe policy implementation among elementary schools. (poster)
• Newton RL, Myers V, Carter L, Griffith D. A Mobile Phone-based physical activity maintenance app for African American men: MobileMen. (presentation)

Patient Centered Outcomes Research 8th Annual Symposium – April 24-25 2018 in St. Louis, Missouri
Buller DB. Precision Skin Cancer Prevention: A Sun Safety Mobile App. (presentation)

4th International Conference on UV and Skin Cancer Prevention – May 1-4, 2018 in Toronto, Ontario, Canada
Buller D. A Facebook Intervention to Reduce mothers’ Permissiveness for Indoor Tanning: Health Chat. (presentation)
• Meenan RT, Buller DB, Reynolds KD, Massie K, Berteletti J, Buller MK, Ashley J. Costs of Sun Protection Policy Implementation in California School Districts. (presentation)
• Meenan R, Buller D, Walkosz B, Eye R, Buller M, Wallis A. Estimated Cost of Occupational Sun Protection Policy Intervention Delivery to Public-Sector Employers. (presentation)
• Massie K, Berteletti J, Freeth B, Ashley J, Buller MK, Buller DB, Reynolds KD. Implementation Strategies: Review of a Sun Safety Program in California. (poster)
Walkosz B, Dellavalle R, Buller M, Buller D, Eye R, Olivas S. Formative Research to Develop Sun Safety Ink!, a Skin Cancer Prevention Training Program for Tattoo Artists. (presentation)

International Communication Association Annual Meeting — May 24-28 in Prague, Czech Republic
Woodall WG, Berteletti J, Starling R, Zimet G, Stupainsky N, Kong A, Chilton L. Usability testing of a web app to improve adolescent vaccination: Be Vaccinated. (presentation)
Walkosz B, Buller D, Buller MK, Wallis A, Meenan R, Scott M, Andersen P, Cutter G. Sun Safe Workplaces: Effect of a communication theory-based occupational skin cancer prevention program on employee sun safety practices. (presentation)

UNESCO International Conference on the Tangible and Intangible Impact of Information and Communication in the Digital Age — June 4-8 in Khanty-Mansiysk, Russia
Walkosz B. Emerging Issues in Media Literacy in the 21st Century. (presentation)

National Cancer Institute Cancer Center HPV Vaccination Meeting – June 7-8 in Washington, DC
• Kong A, Woodall WG, Zimet G, Reither J, Myers V, Buller D, Starling R, Chilton L, Ginossar T. Improving HPV Vaccine Uptake with Digital Interventions. (presentation)

National Research Society on Alcoholism Annual Scientific Meeting – June 16-20 in San Diego, California
• Sanchez V, Chacon A, Perez F, Reither J. WayToServe-Español: Adapting an Evidence-Based Online Responsible Beverage Server (RBS) Training for Spanish Language Populations in the US Southwest. (poster)

National Cancer Institute Exercise Science and Skin Cancer Prevention Research Meeting — September 26-27 in Washington, DC
Buller D, Walkosz B. Translational Research in Sun Safety in Sports Settings. (presentation)

National Commission on Correctional Health Care Conference – October 12-16 in Fort Lauderdale, Florida
• Loeb S, Myers V, Kitt-Lewis E. Developing and Testing E-Training to Enhance Care of Aged and Dying Prisoners. (poster)

EUSPR Conference and Members’ Meeting – October 24-29 in Lisbon, Portugal
• Miller BA, Rogers V, Byrnes H, Johnson M, Buller DB, Grube J, Berteletti J. Influences of Personal Characteristics on Group-based Club Intervention Outcomes. (presentation)

Colorado Cancer Coalition Annual Symposium — November 8-9 in Lakewood, Colorado
Myers V. Caminemos Juntas: Using Technology and Social Media to Advance Your Mission. (presentation)

American Public Health Association Annual Meeting — November 10-14 in San Diego, California
Buller DB, Woodall WG, Saltz R, Grayson A, Buller MK, Svendsen S. Implementation and Effectiveness of an Online Responsible Vendor Training for Recreational Marijuana Stores in Colorado, Oregon, and Washington State. (presentation)

EUROGIN International Multidisciplinary HPV Congress – December 2-5 in Lisbon, Portugal
Woodall WG. Digital Interventions to Improve HPV Vaccine Uptake: Results and Issues. (presentation)
Woodall WG, Zimet G, Reither J, Kong A, Buller DB, Chilton L, Myers V, Starling R, Ginossar T. Vacteens: Results from Ongoing Trials of Mobile Web Apps to Improve HPV Vaccine Uptake. (poster)
Buller DB, Walkosz B, Berteletti J, Pagoto S, Oleski J, Baker K. Insights on HPV Vaccination from Mothers’ Comments on Facebook Posts in a Randomized Trial. (poster)

The Science of Dissemination & Implementation in Health Annual Conference – December 3-5 in Washington, DC
• Meenan R, Reynolds K, Buller D, Massie K, Berteletti J, Buller MK, Ashley J. Economic evaluation of a sun protection promotion program in California elementary schools. (presentation)
• Loeb S, Myers V, Kitt-Lewis E, Wion RK, Jerrod T, Carter M. Developing Geriatric and End-of-Life E-training For Inmate Peer Caregivers (poster)

Other Highlights & Recognitions

In February, Dr. Valerie Myers, began her tenure as a mentor for the SPRINT program at the National Cancer Institute. She also began serving as a mentor on Dr. Seth Creasy’s K Award entitled, “Linking Temporal Pattern of Modifiable Behaviors to Weight Loss Outcomes”.

Dr. David Buller was a co-author on a chapter in a book that was selected as the 2018 recipient of the Gerald R. Miller Boo Award for Interpersonal Communication from the National Communication Association:

    The book is: D.O. Braithwaite and P. Schrodt (Eds.), Engaging theories in interpersonal communication: Multiple perspectives, 2nd edition (pp. 343-356). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
    The chapter is: Burgoon, J. K., & Buller, D. B. (2015). Interpersonal deception theory: Purposive and interdependent behavior during deceptive interpersonal communication.

Dr. Susan Loeb and Dr. Valerie Myers’ Phase I STTR Project, E-training of Inmate Peer Caregivers for Enhancing Geriatric and End-of-Life Care in Prisons, was selected for inclusion in the NIH Niche Assessment Program for small businesses.

KB received trademark registration through the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office for Train To Tend®.

Way To Serve®, the licensed evidence-based online responsible alcohol server training program owned by KB and its research collaborators, achieved a significant milestone by selling 75,000 trainings since it entered the market.

KB, along with Rocky Mountain Sunscreen and the Colorado Skin Cancer Task Force, offered free UV camera photographs and skin cancer prevention education to attendees at the Snowsports Industries of America Snow Show in January and the Outdoor Retailer Summer Market in July. Both trade shows were held at the Colorado Convention Center in Denver, Colorado.

Beginning in September, KB made its Grade K-5 sun safety curriculum, Sunny Days Healthy Ways®, available free to the public in response to the Surgeon General’s Call to Action to Prevent Skin Cancer.

KB was recognized on Colorado Biz Magazine’s Top 100 Woman-Owned Companies list. KB landed at #48 for 2018. Colorado Biz Magazine ranked Klein Buendel #142 of Top 250 Private Companies for 2018.

Here’s to a Very Healthy and Happy New Year!