Welcome to the new KB Collaboratory!
Welcome to the new KB Collaboratory – a fresh new edition of Klein Buendel’s blog. The KB Collaboratory complements our newly-designed website and disseminates timely information about our behavioral health research and collaborations.
Because we’re a “small bunch,” KB’s behavioral scientists, research staff, and developers collaborate with researchers, clinicians, and creatives from companies, universities, research institutes, and cancer centers around the world to design programs and products to prevent chronic disease. Along with our research publications, conference presentations, website, and social media, this blog is a dynamic outlet for sharing the health communication, education, and technology research that we do in collaboration with our distinguished research, business, and creative partners.
Watch for articles and features in the KB Collaboratory on our:
- Research collaborators
- Abstracts and conference presentations
- Publications
- New research projects
- Technology and products
- Outreach and education
- News and announcements
If you’d like to get in touch, please email Mary Buller at [email protected].