KB’S 2017 Research and Outreach Accomplishments and Other Highlights
The year 2017 flew by, but we have taken time to reflect on what we have done at Klein Buendel (KB) to achieve our primary goal of creating and evaluating effective programs and products for health promotion and disease prevention. We are thankful for the research, education, and outreach opportunities that we have participated in, and we are looking forward to continuing our efforts in 2018. Details of some of our 2017 accomplishments and publications are listed below. The names of KB investigators and staff are bolded.
- In June, KB celebrated its 15th anniversary as a small woman-owned business.
- In August, one of our Senior Scientists, Valerie Myers, was made a Fellow of the Society of Behavioral Medicine.
- We were awarded 3 new prime grants and 1 subcontract.
- We completed 7 prime and subcontract research projects.
- KB scientists and staff presented research findings at 6 national and international conferences (19 posters or presentations).
- KB scientists, collaborators, and staff published 12 papers of research findings in peer-reviewed journals.
Peer-Reviewed Journal Publications
- Buller D, Walkosz B, Buller MK, Wallis A, Andersen PA, Scott MD, Eye R, Liu X, Cutter GR. Results of a randomized trial on an intervention promoting adoption of occupational sun protection policies. American Journal of Health Promotion. 2017 Jan I (epub ahead of print)
- Buller D, Dobbinson S, English DR, Wakefield M, Buller MK. Rationale, design, and baseline data of a cross-national randomized trial on the effect of built shade in public parks for sun protection. Contemporary Clinical Trials. 2017;55:47-55.
- Buller D, Andersen PA, Walkosz B, Scott MD, Beck L, Cutter GR. Effect of an intervention on observed sun protection by vacationers in a randomized controlled trial at North American resorts. Preventive Medicine. 2017;99:29-36.
- Walkosz B, Scott M, Buller D, Andersen P, Beck L. Prevalence of Sun Protection at Outdoor Recreation and Leisure Venues at Resorts in North America. American Journal of Health Education. 2017;48:90-99.
- Hay J, Berwick M, Zielaskowski K, White K, Rodríguez VM Robers E, Guest D, Sussman A, Talamantes Y, Schwartz M, Greb J, Bigney J, Kaphingst K, Hunley K, Buller D. Implementing an Internet-Delivered Skin Cancer Genetic Testing Intervention to Improve Sun Protection Behavior in a Diverse Population: Protocol for a Randomized Controlled Trial. JMIR Res Protoc. 2017 Apr 25;6(4):e52.
- Berteletti J, Buller D, Massie K, Ashley J, Liu X, Reynolds K. Sun protection policies in public school districts with elementary schools in California. JAMA Dermatol. 2017 Oct 25 (epub ahead of print)
- Buller D, English D, Buller MK, Simmons J, Chamberlain J, Wakefield M, Dobbinson S. Shade sails and passive recreation in public parks of Melbourne and Denver: A randomized intervention. Am J Public Health. 2017 Oct 19:e1-e7. (epub ahead of print)
- Buller D, Reynolds K, Berteletti J, Massie K, Ashley J, Buller MK, Meenan R. Accuracy of principal and teacher knowledge of school district policies on sun protection in California elementary schools. Prev Chronic Dis. In press.
- Loeb S, Penrod J, Myers V, Baney B, Strickfaden S, Kitt-Lewis E, Wion R. Enhancing Care of Aged and Dying Prisoners: Is e-Learning a Feasible Approach? Journal of Forensic Nursing. 2017 Oct 4.
- Geller A, Jablonski N, Pagoto S, Hay J, Hillhouse J, Buller D, Kenney W, Robinson J, Weller R, Moreno M, Gilchrest B, Sinclair C, Arndt J, Taber J, Morris K, Dwyer L, Perna F, Klein W, Suls J. Interdisciplinary Perspectives on Sun Safety. JAMA Dermatol. Published online November 08, 2017.
- Andersen P, Buller D, Walkosz B, Scott M, Beck L, Liu X, Abbott A, Eye R, Cutter G. A Randomized Trial of an Advanced Sun Safety Intervention for Vacationers at 41 North American Resorts. Journal of Health Communication. 2017 Nov 20:1-3.
- Luoma K, Leavitt I, Marrs J, Nederveld A, Regensteiner J, Dunn A, & Huebschmann A. How can clinical practices pragmatically increase physical activity for patients with type 2 diabetes? A systematic review. Translational behavioral medicine, 2017; 7(4), 751-772.
Conference Posters and Presentations
Society of Behavioral Medicine 38th Annual Meeting — March 29-April 1 in San Diego, California
- Buller D, Dobbinson S, English D, Wakefield M, Buller MK. Results of a cross-national randomized trial on the effect of built shade on use of recreation areas in public parks. (invited abstract)
- Buller D, Andersen P, Walkosz B, Scott M, Beck L, Cutter G. Effect of an intervention on observed sun protection by vacationers in a randomized controlled trial at North American resorts. (invited abstract)
- Baker K, Pagoto S, Buller D, Walkosz B, Hillhouse J, Griffith J, Ariyo O. A Mixed Methods Approach to Designing a Social Media Intervention for Mothers of Adolescent Girls in Tennessee. (invited abstract)
- Myers V, Fluharty L, Fultineer C, Strickfaden S. Caminemos juntas: A location-based smartphone app for Latinas to connect with nearby walking partners. (paper presentation)
- Guan W, Myers V, Harris M, Brantley P, Beyl R, Newton R. Comparing changes to hedonic hunger following a surgical and non-surgical weight loss intervention. (poster)
- Myers V, Fultineer C, Strickfaden S, Galvan A. Formative research outcomes for the smart television exercise program for independent living facilities study (Step for Life). (paper presentation)
- Myers V, Loeb S, Baney B, Strickfaden S, Penrod J. The aging and dying in prisons (ECAD-P): Usability outcomes for an end-of-life technology training in prisons. (poster)
- Myers V, Peterson E, Stetson B, Maher J. Soto S. Education, Training, and Career Development Council and Student SIG Present: The pursuit of a postdoc: how to identify and prepare for the position room. (panel discussion)
- Dellavalle R, Walkosz B. Pilot Test of a Sun Safety Program for the Tattoo Community. (poster)
Kettil Bruun Society 43rd Annual Meeting – June 5-9 in Sheffield, England
- Woodall WG, Buller D, Saltz R, Starling R, Stanghetta P. Uptake of Web-based RBS Training to Prevent Alcohol Over-Service. (invited paper)
Research Society on Marijuana Scientific Meeting – July 28-30 in Fort Collins, Colorado
- Woodall WG, Buller D, Saltz R, Buller MK, Starling R. Compliance with ID Regulations by Retail Marijuana Outlets in Two U.S. States. (poster)
- Buller D, Woodall WG, Saltz R, Strickfaden S. Responsible Vendor Training for Recreational Marijuana Sales: Usability Testing and Implementation with Retail Personnel. (poster)
American Academy of Nursing’s 2017 Transforming Health, Driving Policy Conference – Oct 5-7 in Washington DC
- Loeb S, Myers V, Baney B, Strickfaden S, Kitt-Lewis E, Wion R, Penrod J. Going to scale: Shaping care of aged and dying prisoners. (poster)
EUROGIN International Multidisciplinary HPV Congress – Oct 8-11 in Amsterdam, Netherlands
- Woodall WG. Digital Interventions to Improve HPV Vaccine Uptake. (poster)
The Science of Dissemination & Implementation in Health 10th Annual Conference – December 4-6 in Washington, DC
- Loeb SJ, Myers V, Baney B, Strickfaden S, Kitt-Lewis E, Wion R, Jerrod T, Penrod J. Enhancing care of the aged and dying in prisons: The process of going to scale. (presentation)
- Buller D, Reynolds K, Berteletti J, Massie K, Ashley J, Buller MK, Meenan R. First Step in Policy Implementation: Accuracy of Elementary School Principal and Teacher Knowledge of School District Policies on Sun Protection. (poster)
- Massie K, Berteletti J, Buller MK, Reynolds K, Buller D, Kinsey A, Meenan R. Creating a cost analysis template for a health promotion program at elementary schools in California. (poster)
- Walkosz B, Buller D, Wallis A, Buller MK, Andersen P, Scott M, Meenan R, Cutter G. Effect of occupational policy on implementation of workplace sun safety and outdoor workers’ sun protection practices in a randomized trial. (poster)
- Buller D, Walkosz B, Andersen P, Scott M, and Cutter G. From employee education to organizational policy adoption: Building a pathway for sustained implementation of an occupational sun protection program. (poster)
- Dr. Barbara Walkosz and Dr. David Buller each had posters designated as one of the “ten most impactful posters of this year’s D & I Conference.”
Other Presentations
In June, Dr. David Buller gave a presentation at the University of Colorado School of Medicine as part of a workshop entitled, “SBIR/STTR Grant Mechanism at NIH, Getting Dissemination and Implementation Science Ideas Funded – An Interactive Pragmatic Workshop.”
Dr. David Buller was a presenter in August at a Workshop on Professional Development in Cancer Prevention and Control Research at the National Cancer Institute in Washington, DC. He was one of the presenters for a panel entitled, “How to Discuss Your Research Idea and Make It Compelling in 3-5 Minutes, Behavioral and Social Sciences.”
In November, Dr. David Buller was an invited speaker on a Cancer Communication Panel for the National Communication Association in Dallas, Texas.
KB staff showcased Real Health Photos and other KB products in an exhibit at the annual meeting of the American Public Health Association held in Atlanta, Georgia in November. Other KB products showcased included Grow Eat Thrive, Sunny Days Healthy Ways, and Momzing.
Dr. David Buller was interviewed in November for the American Journal of Public Health podcast about his research on built environments and skin cancer prevention. In the podcast, Dr. Buller talks about his research project that conducted a controlled randomized trial that provided shade structures in public parks in both Denver, Colorado and Melbourne, Australia.
In December, Dr. David Buller was invited to Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York City to present “Sun Safe Workplaces: Building Durable Sun Protection on a Policy Foundation” to the Prevention Sciences Research Program.
Professional Designations and Awards
In March, Dr. Valerie Myers was selected into the 2017 class of the Society of Behavioral Medicine Fellows. The Society of Behavioral Medicine (SBM) confers fellow status on full members in recognition of outstanding contributions to the advancement of the science and practice of behavioral medicine. Among the considerations for this distinction are academic, professional, clinical, legislative, or other meritorious accomplishments.
In July, Dr. Valerie Myers, was selected as an SBM Champion. Champions are SBM members who volunteer to spread the word about important SBM opportunities to other members.
In August, Dr. Valerie Myers was appointed to the SBM Digital Health Council. The Digital Health Council is responsible for identifying and pursuing opportunities, partnerships, and endeavors that strategically position SBM and its members to be leaders in the field of digital health.
Dr. Erv Bettinghaus was selected for the External Committee to participate in the selection of the next Chief of the Health Communication and Informatics Branch at the National Cancer Institute.
Other 2017 Highlights
For the 13th consecutive year, KB was recognized on Colorado Biz Magazine’s Top 100 Woman-Owned Companies list. KB landed at #59 for 2017.
Colorado Biz Magazine ranked Klein Buendel #209 of Top 250 Private Companies for 2017.
KB, along with Rocky Mountain Sunscreen and the Colorado Skin Cancer Task Force, offered free UV camera photos to attendees at the Snowsports Industries of America (SIA) Snow Show, held at the Colorado Convention Center in Denver, Colorado in January.
One of KB’s co-owned products, Way To Serve®, achieved a significant milestone in July by reaching 50,000 completed trainings in New Mexico. Way To Serve® is an evidence-based online alcohol server training program designed to educate servers about selling alcohol responsibly to keep their customers and communities safe. Way To Serve® was developed by scientists at KB, the University of New Mexico, and the Pacific Institute for Research and Evaluation.
Dr. Janice Penrod and Dr. Valerie Myers’ Phase I STTR Project, Enhancing Care for the Aged and Dying in Prisons, was selected for inclusion in the NIH Niche Assessment Program for small businesses.
Dr. Rob Newton and Dr. Valerie Myers’ Phase I STTR Project, Mobile Phone Intervention for Physical Activity Maintenance in African American Men was selected for inclusion in the NIH Niche Assessment Program for small businesses.
All year, Dr. David Buller and Dr. Barbara Walkosz helped organize the 4th International Conference on UV and Skin Cancer Prevention. KB is a co-sponsor of the conference along with Ryerson University in Toronto, Ontario, Canada and the Canadian Dermatology Society. The conference will be held in Toronto on May 1-4, 2018.